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About Us

To Enable & Support Nonprofits To Reach Their Digital Goals

Who we are

Digital Impacts Was Founded With A Clear Mission...

Digital Impacts was set up to help Nonprofits increase target-driven behaviour

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Who We Are

Digital Impacts is the best choice

Every employee and member of Digital Impacts have an extensive background working with NGO's, Nonprofits and organisations focusing on philanthropic endeavours. Our team combines over 9 years of experience in digital marketing, working with both large and small nonprofits across a spectrum of causes, from climate change to animal rights. We're passionate about using our skills to make a positive impact in the world.

We banded together after realising many of the organisations we worked with, although they have the heart, determination and passion to make a difference, they didn't always have the time, resources or knowledge surrounding digital support, marketing and advertising. We wanted to take that worry out of nonprofits' hands so they can fully focus on their aims while we boost their channels.

Our team have and still work with NGO's and Nonprofits globally. They have experience in running campaigns, social listening, SEM, SEO, PR, journalism and many other facets. We feel the most effective way to support is through helping nonprofits achieve funding via Google ads grants and optimising this advertising channel to bring more targeted users to your website.

We know it's not always about donations. Some of our partners care about sign ups, reaching an audience or simply awareness. Whatever your digital goals are we have it covered and we're here to help.